Patients with cold or flu-like symptoms, including coughing, are required to wear a mask or face covering while visiting the clinic.
Masks are available for purchase at the front desk for $0.50.
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At Canadian Diagnostic Network, achieving optimal breast health and providing world-class treatment for breast cancer are equal priorities in our continuing mission to improve women’s health. We offer comprehensive access to state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging techniques to ensure accurate and timely diagnosis.
Breast ultrasound is an imaging test that uses sound waves to look and examine the inside of your breasts. This can help your healthcare provider find any breast problems that could occur. It also lets your healthcare provider see how well blood is flowing to areas in your breasts. This test is often used when a change has been seen on a mammogram or when a change is felt, however, does not show up on a mammogram.
Please do not wear/remove deodorant before exam.
An ultrasound may require you to remove articles of clothing and you may be asked to put on a paper gown. Some jewelry articles may interfere with the test and may have to be removed. Loose clothing is required for most ultrasound types.
You will be asked into the room after changing into a gown or removing clothing from the area being examined. You may be asked to take up a certain position and stay in that position for most of the test.
A technician would place a lubricating gel onto the area being examined using a device called a transducer to make contact with your skin.
Please note, it is very common to be called back for additional images, follow ups or mammography exams after a breast ultrasound. You will be contacted by us if it is necessary. This is most common if you are coming in for symptoms such as a palpable lump, discharge, dimpling of the skin, etc.
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